Fish Cream – New Vid

Posted: June 10, 2010 in DJO Newz

After 20 hours, Fish Cream has 6216 views!  Sorry to the early viewers who liked the first edit better – we pulled it after one hour online and then re-upped it with some fixes.  Not much more to say other than fish beat. And watch the video.

DJO fans rock harder than actual rocks!!!

  1. PeteD says:

    LMAO, I nearly died laughing by the end 🙂

  2. OneMinuteGalactica says:

    Another success. Ping!

  3. Leandro says:

    Yeah yeah yeah, but where is the GOD DAMN JUICE?!

  4. Ha! I’ve been posting you guys on my blog for a while now. Great minds think alike I guess…

  5. Adrienne says:

    Loved that one, because you finally used DS9. But I then… love all of your vids.

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